Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19th, 2012

Well, this is going to be the second to last blog of 2012! All about Abraham Lincoln, or most of it really. Yesterday we talked about the habeas corpus and how it served to protect people's liberty. It was a good thing to have, people then couldn't be arrested or put tried without a cause, but Mr. Lincoln suspended it. Oh no! Why would he do something you may ask, and I'll tell you, he would be able to put people in jail for speaking against him which was a very big "threat" to the Union. And if the Union wasn't all together, well then there couldn't be any liberty. In Lincoln's head it was as easy as that. So, for today's class we got to watch a fun slideshow and take notes on it all about wars of the Civil War and how it started and was fought etc. etc. Mr. Boyle lectured us on all about the generals and the army and Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. So that was history.

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