Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8th, 2012

Today in class was, well, another on of those pretty basic history classes. We started off talking about what we did yesterday. Which, we took notes on slavery in the United States. The notes were on everything from cotton farming to the types of slavery. After the notes we were handed worksheets that were on slavery's opponents and defenders. I got a document that was by Aberham Lincoln and had to answer some questions after the reading. That was all we did yesterday, so back to today. Once again we took some notes on slavery, this time about the abolitionists and what they wanted to do about slavery. After these notes we taked about the underground railroad, reading various teaxtbook excerpts about it. It was pretty interesting how all the textbooks were all pretty different. So, we answered this worksheet and had a discussion about the excerpts to finish up class. And for my 30 days challenge, I've been taking pictures everyday and luckily it was snowy out this morning for a really intersting picture.

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