Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 19th 2012

Yesterday in history we learned about the different branches of our govenment. We got some worksheets that taught us what jobs the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches have. ALso in these fabulously informational worksheets we learned how each of the branches keep the others in check, like if a bill gets a presidential veto, Congress can overpower it with a 2/3 vote in each house or the Courts can declare laws made in Congress unconstitutional. In the middle of this we had a lunch break, but soon enough we were back in class making little infographics. We had to make an infographic on the three branches, which you can see in my blog I posted yesterday. It was fun having to figure out ways to represent the jobs of the branches in little pictures as well as little facts blurbs. Today we ended with another crafty history assignment, but before I can get to that I will have to explain what we did in class a little bit. When we walked into class today, the first thing that happened was that we were handed two pieces of paper, in my case I got a sheet with information about federalists on it. Keirsten, Allie, and I then filled out a question sheet of the arguments for the approval of the Constitution. We then got paired up with a person of the opposite arguments, in my case an anti-federalist. We then swapped answers on our sheets to learn about the opposite sides ideas and arguments. Mr. Boyle then gave us a big sheet of paper to create a magazine cover for the side he gave us. The magazine cover we made was for anti-federalists and had 'articles' such as "Secret Drafting- What's really in the Constitution?" and "No Bill of Rights- No Freedoms." The past couple days in history have been fun, especially with all the little crafty things that we did.

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